Professor Bill Winlow, Preston West

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Public say “YES” to Central Lancashire Highways and Transport Masterplan

by professorbillwinlow on 22 March, 2013

A public consultation exercise for the Consultation Draft Central Lancashire Highways and Transport Masterplan ran for six weeks from 7 January to 25 February 2013.  The response to the consultation exercise has, on the whole, endorsed the County Council’s preferred option to ‘Improve and extend’ the transport network which accepts that major additional highway infrastructure will be needed to support new development, achieve the area’s economic aspirations, and allow significant improvements to be made to support bus priority measures and enhance the public realm

A press release describing the key changes made as a result of the consultation can be found here
Click on the links for further details, including the revised Central Lancashire Highways and Transport Masterplan, the consultation report, and the environmental report 
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