Professor Bill Winlow, Preston West

Serving the communities of Lea Town, Lea, Cottam, Ingol & Tanterton Learn more

Archive for the ‘Local Services’ Category

Councils facing possible 10% cuts

by professorbillwinlow on 21 June, 2013

Today’s LGIU Daily News reports that councils in England face a 10% cut in funding from central Government as part of the Spending Review for 2015-16. Sources say that Eric Pickles, the Communities and Local Government Secretary, has accepted in principle that the £21bn budget for local government could be reduced by this amount. Senior […]

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   County Cllr Jenny Mein & County Cllr Bill winlow are shown signing the agreement. Readers will recall that on 6th May, Liberal Democrat Group Leader on the newly elected Lancashire County Council, Bill Winlow, expressed the LibDems willingness to work with ANY councillors, Labour or Conservative or any others, in order to create an […]

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“I kept my promises” says Bill Winlow

by professorbillwinlow on 26 April, 2013

“When you elected me in June 2009 I promised that I would make the interests of the residents of Preston West my first priority and I have done that by being active in Lea, LeaTown, Cottam, Ingol and Tanterton: In Ingol and Tanterton I work closely with your three Liberal Democrat City Councillors: Bill Shannon, […]

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The Tory cut in council tax of 2% for Lancashire County Council is not only irresponsible, but extremely foolish. The cut will remove almost £7.5m per year from the county’s budget and that will accumulate year on year so that within the four year life of the next administration there will be almost £30m less […]

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15 hours free childcare for poorest toddlers in Lancashire

by professorbillwinlow on 13 April, 2013

Thanks to Liberal Democrats 2,628 of the poorest toddlers in Lancashire will benefit from 15 hours free childcare a week from this September, an investment of £2,762 per child. This is in addition to the £100m investment in capital spending for additional nursery places announced by Liberal Democrat Leader and Deputy Prime Minster, Nick Clegg, […]

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“It’s very sad to have to say this, but I believe Preston City Council is not sustainable as an independent authority in the long term. In the ten years I have been a Councillor, the number of employees has reduced by well over half, and we cannot sustain any more cuts  without front line services – like emptying the bins […]

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Centralisation of the planning system threatens Green Belt

by professorbillwinlow on 28 March, 2013

Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) research, published today in partnership with the National Trust, reveals that the government is sleepwalking towards the centralisation of the planning system. The LGiU surveyed senior local government politicians and officials in 94 Local Planning Authorities.  60% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that the introduction of the National Planning […]

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Preston pensioners isolated by cuts in bus services

by professorbillwinlow on 26 March, 2013

“Under the Conservatives, Lancashire has seen fit to cut support for many bus services over the last four years, something that the Liberal Democrat Group on the county has always opposed” says County Councillor Bill Winlow.  This situation is particularly difficult in Lea town and the orbital bus service to Cottam and Ingol on Sundays has […]

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Yesterday’s budget delivers Lib Dem policies to help families with the cost of living and invest in the future of our economy, while making responsible choices to deal with the financial problems Labour left us with.  We are delivering the £10k personal allowance from April 2014 – one year earlier than planned. “This is great […]

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Speeding on Cottam Way – Police to act

by professorbillwinlow on 19 March, 2013

I have had many complaints about speeding on Cottam way and the local police are about to take enforcement action

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