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by professorbillwinlow on 8 April, 2013
Today was a great day at Preston Planning Committee when the CEG proposal for the development of land to the north of Hoyles Lane and east of Sidgreaves Lane was unanimously refused, mainly due to highways and drainage issues. Thanks to everyone who has written in to object to this proposal and to Lancashire County Council Highways for making such a strong case against the development. Hopefully we will now get a properly thought through strategic development plan. “The proposal was piecemeal, opportunistic, premature and predatory” says County Cllr Bill Winlow ” and would have been developed in isolation from from the strategic location in which it sits. As well as objections from Cottam Village Action Group (CoVAG), the local parish councils, Ben Wallace MP, local parish councils, the various utilities, other stakeholders and myself, there were 171 individual letters of objection and only 5 responses in support of the application. In other words there was tremendous community cohesion in resisting the current proposal for which we are all very grateful”
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